Complete Guide tailored to your unique Body Shape & Personality

Get the most Essential Tool To Dress up with Confidence for any occasion.

No matter what size you are, there is perfect Style for everyone!

  • Access your personalized STYLE GUDE - Our Unique Algorithm Tailored to Your Real Measurements Delivers the Perfect Clothing Choices Just for You!" 🌟👗

  • Enjoy LIFETIME access to continuous STYLE GUIDE update, without any monthly fees or additional charges!

  • Benefit from a high-demand digital product - THE STYLE GUIDE- expertly crafted and ready for you to get your STYLE and entire WARDROBE to the next level.

Pay One Price And enjoy The Product!

What do I get when I purchase?

Let me explain the concept of STYLE GUIDE. Investing in this product gives you a personalized digital product- a STYLE GUIDE explicitly tailored to you. This includes customised recommendations based on your unique body measurements, body shape analysis, and expert style tips to help you elevate your wardrobe effortlessly.

What will the guide help me with?

As STYLE GUIDE is tailored specifically to you.

  • You will no longer buy clothes that stay hung in the closet

  • You save money on clothes you would typically buy without the guide

  • You will avoid emotional shopping and stick with recommended items

  • You will love the wardrobe pieces you own

This Style guide becomes a bible for the right pieces in your closet.

Will the guide feature images of clothes that are flattering for me?

Yes, absolutely! Our Style Guide features a curated selection of clothing items, complete with images, specifically chosen to complement your body shape. You'll find a range of the options handpicked for you to be able to recognize all possible details that can help you create optical illusions. Dream comes true- All possible Secrets of flattering clothes spilled in your unique GUIDE.

If you show me clothing options, will that mean I can't wear anything else?

Not at all! While our STYLE GUIDE provides expert recommendations tailored to your measurements and preferences, it's designed to enhance your wardrobe, not limit it. You're free to explore and experiment with other clothing options. We aim to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to make informed style choices that reflect your personality.

Will I get to know my style as well?

Absolutely! We designed the STYLE GUIDE to help you discover and refine your style. Through our personalized recommendations and style tips, you'll gain valuable insights into what works best for you, allowing you to develop a signature look that authentically reflects who you are.

A Little Bit About Me...

I want to take a moment to talk about something close to my heart: Power of Personal Style.


My name is Lucia Csobonyei and I've been Style expert and Confidence coach for over 12 years. 

As a young girl I felt insecure and practically invisible. Freckles covered my face, my forehead a little too high, and people loved asking me why I was so pale. I didn’t realize it at the time, but deep inside, I was looking for ways to overcome my struggles and insecurities. I just wanted to feel more powerful.

I found that my insecurities somehow vanished into thin air by paying close attention to my clothes choices. "There was a magical quality that was empowering me and created a new reality that I loved."

Clothes always gave me confidence, like I could take on the world. I truly believe that it is secret to your Confidence too.

"If this worked for a little girl, it has to work for the women."

What you wear isn't just about looking good. It's about feeling good. It's about boosting your confidence, giving you the courage to go after your dreams, and make you feel like the incredible beings you are.

Your style speaks volumes. You should always appreciate how it can transform your life and bring joy to everyone around you.

And this has been my path for the last 12 years. I am helping ambitious women who follow their dreams to show them the POWER of their STYLE. One-on-one sessions were always fun, full of great energy, and complete with deep conversations.

However, I could not be with someone else in London, Australia or America when I am in Dubai. That is a reason why I created a STYLE GUIDE. It gathers all my knowledge, experiences, skills and client feedback so women worldwide can enjoy it too!

It is what I teach my clients who pay thousands of dollars against 47 $ for a STYLE GUIDE with exact same value.

"It's a little fraction of the real price, but I want you to have, use, and love it!"

And if you do, let me know how you like it. Because I am on the path that simplifies dressing up and makes it a no-brainer while you look like a GODDESS of STYLE.

So, go on, embrace your style, and let the world see your amazing self shine through.

a bit of TASTE of the STYLE GUIDE below....

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Other users

"It's easy to shop now, I save so much money"

“ I think twice before I buy
something. Since I have my style guide, it's always on my mind that I
should wear more open necklines and not rounded ones to balance my upper
body. It helps with decisions when trends are coming and going so


Career Coach

"Life Changing Is An Understatement"

“ Style guide simplified my shopping. I reduced my shopping mistakes significantly, and if I do something, I do it intentionally because I can't help myself. ”


Regional Manger

"Unbelievable, how easy I can choose clothes for me now"

“ I love this Style guide so much. It has many descriptions, but it's worth every cent I invested. I had yet to learn about all details the guide mentioned.”


Web Designer

Eager To Find Out What Awaits You With Your


Introduction To the pillars of Personal Styling

"Define the Key Elements of Personal Styling Every Woman Should Master. We refer to them as 'wow factors.' Recognizing your personal 'wow factors' is the initial step in creating your distinct style.

Body Shape analysis

Gain valuable insights into your body shape through our advanced algorithm, Helping you understand all tricks you can use to create balanced body shape .

Curated clothing recommendations

Doscover styles and silhouettes work best for your figure, empowering you to make informed style choices.

Expert tips of details that creates optical illusions

Alla bout clothing details like necklines, sleeves, length of garments, materials and more to identify the right choices for your body shape.

Your Unique Personal Style determination

Which style is dominant for you? Is it classic ,dramatic, feminine or some other?

Characteristics of your Personal Style matching the clothing items

Each style has "IT" features that look great on your particular style. Should you wear flowers or rather go for stripes? Do you look great in solid colors or patterns all over. This and much more answers you will get in your STYLE GUIDE.


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